Supernanny Fanon Wiki

Jo heads out to Tarrytown, New York to meet the Jenners. Freddie (28) who got divorced he has 3 children named Cookie (5), Virginia (2) and Night (18 months).

Cookie swears, spits, shouts, colors on the table, and talks back. Virginia runs into the street, screams, throws tantrums, attacks the family pet golden retriever dog Noel, and Night refuses to sleep in his crib at night. These children also refuse to eat at the table and their manners are terrible. When eating at the table, they belch, slurp their soup, eat like pigs and refuse to use their forks or spoons.

Discipline techniques used: Naughty Circle (for Cookie) and Naughty Pit (for Virginia)

Other techniques used: No-Go Zone Technique
